
A comparison of Rust’s borrow checker to the one in C#

Wait, C# has a borrow checker?

Behold: the classic example of rust’s zero-cost memory safety…

// error[E0597]: `shortlived` does not live long enough

let longlived = 12;
let mut plonglived = &longlived;
	let shortlived = 13;
	plonglived = &shortlived;


…ported to C#:

// error CS8374: Cannot ref-assign 'shortlived' to 'plonglived' because
// 'shortlived' has a narrower escape scope than 'plonglived'

var longlived = 12;
ref var plonglived = ref longlived;
	var shortlived = 13;
	plonglived = ref shortlived;

_ = plonglived;

OK, so C# doesn’t share the Rust concept of “borrowing,” so it wouldn’t technically be correct to call this “borrow checking,” but in practice when people talk about “Rust’s borrow checker” they’re talking about all of the static analysis Rust does to ensure memory safety, for which I think this qualifies.

When I first saw this feature in C# (and also Spans, ref structs, and stackalloc), I was blown away: where are all the angle brackets and apostrophes? How is it possible that I can write efficient and provably-safe code in C# without a degree in type theory? In this document I hope to briefly summarize my understanding of memory safety in C#, make direct comparisons between C# constructs and the corresponding Rust ones, and maybe shed some light on what trade-offs C# made exactly to get this so user-friendly.

A brief history of C# ref safety

Since the beginning (2000-ish), C# has had the ref keyword for parameters passed into a function by reference, but that was about all you could do with it. If you wanted to do efficient things with stack-allocated memory and indirection, you would generally use the “unsafe” portions of the language, or call out to C++. It wasn’t until 2017 with the release of C# version 7 that we started to see this feature generalized into something more useful. From there, C# added:

In the process of adding the above features, C# needed to define rules around ref usage that would continue to ensure memory safety. The language specification calls these rules “ref safe contexts” (see here and here). A “ref safe context” is likely better-known to Rust programmers as a lifetime, the region of source text in which it is valid to access/use a reference.

A comparison of ref safe contexts and lifetimes

Like in Rust, it is not possible in C# to explicitly declare the lifetime of a value. Unlike in rust, it is also not possible in C# to assign a name to a lifetime using generic type parameters. In both languages, the correct usage of a function must be knowable given only its declaration, and not require analysis of its body. In Rust, this means that lifetimes must appear in the function declaration:

//                  V name the lifetime using generic type parameter
//                          V --------- V reference named lifetime in parameter and return types
fn return_reference<'a>(r: &'a i32) -> &'a i32 {
	r // <-- compiler makes sure we return what we claim to in the signature

C# has no syntax for this. Nevertheless, the equivalent code still compiles:

// No lifetimes!
ref int ReturnReference(ref int r){
	return ref r;

The C# compiler simply assumes that the lifetime of the return is the same as the lifetime of the parameter. Rust can do the same…

// No lifetimes!
fn return_reference(r: &i32) -> &i32 {

…and calls this feature lifetime elision. In Rust, lifetime elision is optional, and the programmer can always explicitly state the lifetimes of all references. In C#, by contrast, the compiler must decide the lifetimes for all function declarations. For example, the following Rust function returns only one of its two arguments:

//                  V---V Two lifetimes for our two parameters
//                              V------------------------V Return lifetime is the same as that of
//                                                         the first parameter
//                                           V Second parameter lifetime is unused
fn return_reference<'a, 'b>(r: &'a i32, r2: &'b i32) -> &'a i32{
	r // <-- compiler would not allow us to return r2 here

Lifetime elision is not implemented for functions of this form, since there doesn’t seem to be a reasonable default to pick. Nevertheless, C# must pick one:

// No lifetimes!  Wait.  What are they, though?
ref int ReturnReference(ref int r, ref int r2){
	return ref r;

Since it wouldn’t make sense to “pick” either r or r2 for the lifetime of the return, C# conservatively assumes that the return could be either of them. Thus, both the arguments and the return are assumed to have the same lifetime, which the specification calls “caller-context.” The equivalent Rust function would look like this:

//                  V only one lifetime, called "caller-context"
fn return_reference<'cc>(r: &'cc i32, r2: &'cc i32) -> &'cc i32{
	r // <-- compiler allows us to return either r or r2

This is less useful than the original Rust function. For example, the following code will compile successfully with the first declaration, but not with the second:

fn wrapper(r: &i32) -> &i32{
	let i = 12;
	return_reference(r, &i) // error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `i`

and in C#:

ref int Wrapper(ref int r){
	var i = 12;
	// Cannot use a result of 'Program.ReturnReference(ref int, ref int)'
	// in this context because it may expose variables referenced by
	// parameter 'r2' outside of their declaration scope
	return ref ReturnReference(ref r, ref i);

Here we see C#’s first trade-off: lifetimes are less explicit, but also less powerful. The defaults can also be unintuitive: say we wanted to write a method on a struct which returns a reference to one of the struct’s members. In rust, this is simple:

struct Foo {
	member: i32

impl Foo {
	fn get_member<'a, 'b>(&'a self, unused: &'b i32) -> &'a i32 {
		&self.member // <-- compiler would not allow us to return `unused`

In fact, this is so common that Rust doesn’t require you to write the lifetimes explicitly, again thanks to “lifetime elision:”

struct Foo {
	member: i32

impl Foo {
	fn get_member(&self, unused: &i32) -> &i32 {
		&self.member // <-- would still not be allowed to return `unused`

The equivalent C# code doesn’t compile, though:

struct Foo {
	int member;

	ref int GetMember(ref int unused){
		// error CS8170: Struct members cannot return 'this' or
		// other instance members by reference
		return ref this.member;

This is because C#’s default is the opposite of Rust’s: a struct method that returns by reference is allowed to return any reference other than the implicit this reference. The below compiles:

struct Foo {
	int member;

	ref int GetMember(ref int unused){
		return ref unused;

C#’s history is rooted in OOP/Java-style programming, and letting methods return this references would prevent you from writing code like the following:

ref int DoAThing(ref int p){
	// This reference is safe to return because it
	// could only be referencing p
	return ref new Foo().DoWhatever(ref p);

The lack of explicit lifetime annotations means C# has to choose which patterns are and aren’t allowed.

The escape hatch: garbage collection

Let’s say we want to write a function which returns a reference to an integer in a buffer if it finds it:

ref int Find(Span<int> haystack, int needle){
	for(var i = 0; i < haystack.Length; i++)
		if(haystack[i] == needle)
			return ref haystack[i];

	throw new Exception("Not Found");

Instead of throwing an exception, we’ve decided that this function should always return something, even if it’s not in the haystack. We don’t have anything else to return, though! The following code won’t compile:

ref int Find(Span<int> haystack, int needle){
	for(var i = 0; i < haystack.Length; i++)
		if(haystack[i] == needle)
			return ref haystack[i];
	var def = 0;
	return ref def; // Cannot return local 'def' by reference because it is not a ref local

Naturally, anything declared in Find will fall out of scope when Find returns, and so can’t be returned by reference. C# has a superpower, though. We can write the following:

ref int Find(Span<int> haystack, int needle){
	for(var i = 0; i < haystack.Length; i++)
		if(haystack[i] == needle)
			return ref haystack[i];
	var def = new int[1];
	return ref def[0];

The array referred to by def and the function’s return value will live as long as there exist references into it. Rust has no equivalent to this. The closest you can get (I think) is something like the following:

fn find(haystack: &[i32], needle: i32) -> Cow<i32> {
	for item in haystack {
		if *item == needle {
			return Borrowed(item);

This is not transparent to the caller of the function. If we were willing to leak memory, then we could write this:

fn find(haystack: &[i32], needle: i32) -> &i32 {
	for item in haystack {
		if *item == needle {
			return item;

Box::leak returns a reference that is converted to &'static i32, where 'static represents the program lifespan (i.e. “forever”). The 'static lifetime is the easiest to deal with because it can be converted to any other lifetime. In C#, the garbage collector exists to make references last forever, and thus every heap reference in C# can be considered equivalent to Rust’s 'static.

Ignoring the performance implications, this would seem to be an unambiguously good thing: 'static can go anywhere, therefore having all heap references be 'static guarantees maximum flexibility. Sadly, no:

Action CreateCounter(ref int i){
	return () => {
		// Cannot use ref, out, or in parameter 'i' inside
		// an anonymous method, lambda expression, query
		// expression, or local function
		i += 1; 

Because heap references can live forever, it is illegal to put refs on the heap. This means ref can’t be used in lambda captures or class/struct member variables. Instead, the language provides ref struct, a kind of struct that can contain refs but is also required to never go on the heap.

So: garbage collection lets C# do things safely that are impossible to do in Rust, but splits the language into the “garbage collected” and “stack allocated” worlds. Rust has a stack/heap distinction, but doesn’t need the concept of a “stack-only” or “heap-only” type.

Sharing XOR mutation

In rust, every reference is either:

This restriction is central to Rust’s safety guarantees, but C# doesn’t need it. The reason is that Rust has to account for the possibility that a reference may be invalidated at any time. For example:

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let r = &v[0];
// r could be invalid now

By contrast, in C# heap references are never invalid, while refs can only be invalidated by exiting from a block:

var v = new List<int>{1, 2, 3};
var sp = CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(v);
ref var r = ref sp[0];
// r is definitely still valid (kinda)

To guarantee correctness, Rust’s borrow checker therefore has to disallow any operation which could invalidate a reference as long as that reference is in use. All C# has to do is ensure that a ref to stack-allocated data never leaves the scope it was created in.

Why does nobody seem to be talking about this?

Maybe I’m bad at searching for these things, but these changes to C# seem to have gone completely under the radar in places where you read about memory safety and performance. Maybe it’s just because the language additions have happened super slowly, or maybe the C# and Rust communities have so little overlap that there aren’t enough people who program in both languages to notice the similarities. Maybe there’s something that makes C#’s ref subset so unusable that people just ignore it (I’ll admit to only having played around with it a bit, so far).

Here’s my theory: C# already had an equivalent to all of these things in its “unsafe” subset, so when introduced, ref-safety changes were typically framed as “bringing the performance of safe code closer to that of unsafe code,” which is arguably the opposite perspective of Rust’s “bringing the safety of high-performance code closer to that of high-level languages.” Perhaps that framing makes people miss that although the two languages are pushing in opposite directions, they might actually be getting closer together.